The development of a signature artistic style begins in the head.
The wealth of skills you can acquire on the Fiction Film course is unique. The organisational side includes casting, stageing and blocking, collaborating with actresses and actors, learning and applying research and interview techniques, and directing. You will also find perfect conditions for developing your own creative style here. Thanks to the extensive design and thematic breadth in content development and dramaturgy, and in flexible-format working, you can unleash your full creative potential and learn so much about yourself.
On the Directing Fiction Film study course, you learn to develop your creative and organisational skills in the fields of feature film and TV drama. From the very first pitch, there is a special focus on creative teamwork with your fellow students from the Screenwriting and Production departments. The collaboration encompasses the joint development of the film subject, implementation concepts, casting and working with actors.
The selection of exposés is completed and the production team is put together at an early stage so that you can collaborate on dramaturgic development for three to four months. This calls for teamwork during the academic year, and is a great opportunity for learning to develop openness and a healthy readiness to compromise.
At FABW, theory and practice are always closely interconnected. Development work on the films that are to be realised in the summer semester already begins in the previous winter semester, in parallel to class teaching. First scenes of scripts that are to be filmed flow directly into and are applied in exercises relating to aspects such as mise-en-scène ,directing and editing.
Our lecturers have extensive industry experience: the training they provide is innovative and on the cutting-edge, while offering you great artistic freedom. Regular excursions and workshops with the acting students at the Academy of Performing Arts (ADK) and with internationally renowned film-makers expand your horizons, as do intensive exchanges with the other subjects on the campus. Here, you have the opportunity to build a network of valuable industry contacts in Germany and further afield.
Register online here
Here you can download specific information, such as the admission requirements and the required work samples for the Directing Fiction Film study course, as well as a step-by-step instruction for the online application portal of Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.
© Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg 2024